Case Studies

Pepco objectively assesses which person deserves a promotion

Pepco objectively assesses which person deserves a promotion

Pepco is a European chain of shops offering household products at the lowest prices, that started developing in Poland more than 20 years ago. It entered the Croatian market in 2016, and is today present in 15 European countries. It especially stands out in its selection of children's clothing and as a leading supplier of home décor.  The fact that an average of about 300 new locations are opened every year, and there are currently 23.000 employees, confirms that their business is going great.


Sometimes it is difficult to assess the potential of each employee.
Most behaviors, competencies, problem-solving skills, etc. are only revealed in real-life situations. The assessment centre is used for exactly this purpose.  Organizations use it to identify management potential and determine the candidate’s suitability for managerial positions or promotions.

Pepco is a company that encourages employee progression within the company. Putting their trust in us for many years now, they have relinquished the assessment of the potential store managers and the internal selection of  the regional manager to us.

DEKRA solution

Experienced DEKRA consultants are running the assessment center, which consists of day-long series of exercises designed to simulate various aspects of the business environment. Some of the skills assessed are business knowledge, organizational, motivational, and associate development skills, resourcefulness, stress resistance , teamwork, etc.

After completing the assessment at the centre, Pepco's management team receives a detailed report on candidates’ profiles with  success prediction for the position of regional manager.

The experience of various HR professionals has shown that this kind combination of multiple assessment methods leads to a more accurate prediction of future candidate performance. It is also excellent for developmental purposes, i.e. identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees, which provides quality feedback both to individuals and organizations.

  • 1.

    Objective assessment of candidates

    With the help of the assessment center, it is possible to get an objective and accurate picture of the candidate potential.

  • 2.

    Situational exercises

    Excercises relate to measuring work-related behaviors and skills, as well as a wider range of skills and knowledge than the interview itself.

  • 3.

    Learning opportunity

    All participants of the assessment center have the opportunity to learn something new.

  • 4.

    Assessor neutrality

    When evaluated by external collaborators, all candidates receive equal treatment.

Our DEKRA consultants conducted a candidate assessment at their assessment center for us. The assessment was comprised of various exercises designed to simulate different concepts of the business environment, and this assessment provided us with a more accurate prediction of the candidate’s future success at work. We thank DEKRA for the nice cooperation and excellent work, and hope that there will be further opportunity to work together in the future.

Ana Ackermann

HR Manager, Pepco

