Case Studies

Outplacement - responsible business even at the time of closing

Outplacement - responsible business even at the time of closing

The client is a foreign multinational company with a branch in Croatia and over twenty years of running a successful business. The company employs many workers of various educational levels, most of whom are highly specialized experts with secondary education. Most employees are internally trained in knowledge and skills not required in the labor market. The company offers exceedingly good working conditions and above-average salaries considering the Croatian standard.


After many years of operation, the company is withdrawing its business from the Croatian territory and dismissing around 30 employees. Due to their socially responsible business mindset and out of respect and duty to long-term employees, the company sought an appropriate approach to taking care of redundant workers whilst closing their business.

Some employees have never been in a similar situation and have never searched for a job before. Some of the experts were not concerned about the situation because their knowledge and skills were competitive in the market. The problem was defined as the need to help former employees re-enter the labor market and help them develop tools for self-presentation during a job hunt.

DEKRA solution

An introductory presentation of the outplacement project was held to the employees in order to motivate them to participate. Open communication was established, and we answered their numerous questions. After the workshop, the initial stress and mistrust transformed into curiosity and hope. The result was one hundred percent interest in participating, and a work schedule was agreed upon with each employee. After that, we organized psychological assessment groups and individual interviews. The assessment included testing different cognitive abilities, personality profiles, motivation, and interests of the candidate. The purpose of the interviews was to thoroughly go through all of the candidates' work experience and skills so that they could be referred to other related professions and positions. The second part of the interview was conceived as emotional support and coaching in self-presentation in the labor market. After that, participants received short information brochures and consultant's contact details for further communication. The consultants then made proposals for employee’s new CV formats and provided guidelines for writing cover letters in line with the latest market trends. CVs were presented throughout DEKRA’s network of employers, and participants were advised on the most important self-promotion channels. Participants were offered the opportunity to contact their assigned consultant within the following year in order to prepare for a one-2-one interview or get help being introduced to certain employers.

  • 1.

    Employee care

    The company has shown responsibility and employee care.

  • 2.

    Objective assessment of competitiveness

    Employees underwent a thorough professional orientation (testing, in-depth interviews, and feedback) and received professional support in a crisis.

  • 3.

    Preparation of necessary documents

    Tools for self-presentation in the labor market have been developed.

  • 4.

    DEKRA support

    Employees were given the opportunity to be hired through our network of clients or independently with the support of consultants for a period of one year.

