Organizational climate is the totality of all employee’s experiences of their own organization. It includes individual behavior, motivation, group dynamics, and is influenced by emotions, values, attitudes, expectations, and aspirations of employees.
A positive organizational climate can significantly increase the organization's productivity. It is associated with individual and group employee motivation and it directly affects business performance. If people are satisfied, they will make an extra effort to get the job done right.
The organizational climate is influenced by leadership, operating procedures and structures, communication system, interpersonal relationships, promotion policy, employee compensation system, technological aspects, and the company's market position. These measures can be used as criteria for rewards and promotions. Also, the organizational climate affects employee motivation and engagement, initiative, a sense of belonging and commitment, which indicates the importance of organizational climate and caring for it.
DEKRA collected data from the client by interviewing conducting a survey where the questions were composed of various statements related to eight dimensions of the organizational climate. The surveyed employees expressed their opinion and personal experiences by marking each statement according to their degree of agreement with it. Also, the questionnaire contained a number of open-ended questions, where employees could independently provide answers about advantages, disadvantages, suggestions for improving conditions, and the like. The client’s employees felt safe giving their comments and suggestions as questionnaires were anonymously completed and read by external consultants rather than their superiors.
DEKRA conducted the organizational climate survey in collaboration with LPT d.o.o. twice with a 4-year gap. The survey showed that the client introduced changes based on the information obtained in the first survey, which had a positive impact on the climate in their organization. In all segments, employees showed greater satisfaction in the second survey.